Types of Dentures: Complete, Partial, Upper/Lower

We understand that every patient has unique dental needs. That’s why we offer various types of dentures to accommodate your specific situation:

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are an excellent solution for patients who have lost all their teeth. These removable prosthetic devices replace a full arch of teeth, providing functionality and a natural-looking smile.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are designed for patients who have some natural teeth remaining. They consist of a customized prosthetic appliance that fills in the gaps created by missing teeth, improving both function and aesthetics.

Upper/Lower Dentures

Upper or lower dentures are designed to replace either the top or bottom set of teeth. They provide a comfortable and secure fit, restoring your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

Are There Alternatives to Dentures?

While dentures are a popular choice for tooth replacement, there are alternatives available, including dental implants and dental bridges. Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and provide a durable and permanent solution. Dental bridges, on the other hand, are fixed prosthetic devices that are anchored to adjacent teeth. Each alternative has its advantages and considerations, and our dental team will guide you in choosing the best option based on your oral health, preferences, and budget.

Pricing and Insurance Options for Dentures

We understand that the cost of dentures can be a concern for some patients. At Barrington Grove Dental, we offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options to make dentures more affordable. We work with most dental insurance plans and can help maximize your benefits. If you don’t have insurance, we have discounted options and financing plans available. Our team will work closely with you to ensure you receive the care you need at a price that suits your budget.

Dentures in Barrington IL

Repair and Maintenance Services for Dentures

It’s important to maintain your dentures to ensure their longevity and functionality. At Barrington Grove Dental, we provide denture repair and maintenance services to keep your prosthetic in optimal condition. Our team can make adjustments, replace broken or worn components, and provide professional cleaning to help extend the lifespan of your dentures. If you experience any issues with your dentures, such as discomfort, looseness, or damage, contact us for prompt assistance.

Trust Barrington Grove Dental for Your Denture Needs

When it comes to dentures in Barrington, IL, Barrington Grove Dental is your trusted choice. With our experienced dental team and commitment to patient care, we strive to deliver the best possible results. Don’t let missing teeth affect your confidence or oral health. Give us a call today at 847-382-0818 to schedule a consultation and explore the options available to restore your smile. Our friendly team is ready to assist you on your journey to a functional and beautiful smile.

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